Mobile Device Procurement

Mobile device procurement might seem easy enough, but you have to get clear on some very important factors before continuing:

  • When is the right time to buy?
  • What data plans on which devices fit your needs best?
  • Do we use a Cap-Ex model or a Utility model?
  • How do you meet ongoing provisioning, move, add & change requests?

The when, depends on your business cycles. Likely, your employees are all on different rate plans with different contract dates making it difficult to provide cost effective solutions to the company. Think about the type of provider that you want to work with - can they meet your requirements for flexibility and matching rate plans so you are not paying for more data than you use?

What mobile access/data plans you choose will also play a role also. Are you locked into 2 year and 3 year contracts?

What happens when employees leave, or take on a new role?  How easy is it to swap that device in your current program?